Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Turner Duckworth

This unique album cover design for Metallica has won many awards, the die cut design stands out, it is bold and striking and designed to be recognizable even on a tiny mobile screen.

USB re-chargeable batteries, that simply pop into your USB port. the logo was also designed by Turner Duckworth and as you can see the letter B against the white block portrays the USB connector and creates a logo that looks like the battery itself.  

Truce - Logo for a new drink of Vodka and Cognac, a mix of two drinks is represented in this typographic logo.

A little red book - A leather bound book of and a-z of Turner Duckworths beliefs. it includes simple typographic spreads and is avaliables to buy from their site.

On the 5th March I am going to London to Visit Turner Duckworth with 2nd year Portfolio and my present Portfolio, which at the moment is a working progress. It will be great to get some feedback on my work. 

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